Level Up!
Presented by Skilled Trades Ontario

Level Up!

Skilled Trades Career Fairs

Nov 21 - 22, 2023

Event Details

Additional Ticket Information

To register for the daytime events today, visit LevelUpOntario.ca/schools.

Event Format

Daytime (November 21-22 - 9:00am - 4:00pm) 

Large-scale career fairs, offering students access to interactive exhibits and information about pursuing a future in the skilled trades.

Evening (November 21 - 6:30pm - 8:30pm)

Intimate events targeting parents, including insights from skilled trades and Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program representatives.


Plan Your Visit

Check out our Plan Your Visit section for information on directions and parking, accessibility, hotels in the area as well as our A-Z Guide that answers all of our frequently asked questions.  

Be sure to review our Guest Code of Conduct as well prior to your visit!